5+20 Month April

Double Anniversary Special
A Month in History: April
Please note the information on this page features the original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now rebranded "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.
A historical look a specific developments during the month April within 20 years
The very first of developing awareness project began under launch of Autism Challenge brand. 

It all began with a letter to the three political parties on how the policies can improve the lives with autism. The response was not very strong. Many didn't have clear policies at the time. The Conservative party in 2000 didn't have any policy to share at a time. The Labour party developed a number of trial proposals but none had a solid policies. The Liberal Democrats had a number of policies. However no policies would be certain that they would work on practice.

Autism Challenge was originally intended to challenge awareness and attitude towards autism including Asperger syndrome.

The iniitiave was devloped before social media begin to exist. The aim is to go beyond awareness and to challenge the society’s attitude. Other than specialist newsletters devoted for people with autism, online chatrooms and blogs, there is little opportunity for people with autism to have a voice. Any viewpoints or opinions tend to come from professionals, academics and parents. It was essential that all people with Autism should have their say on what affects their lives and not for other to communicate about them or on their behalf. 

The original message of the Autism Challenge is people with Autism and Asperger Syndrome have their own feeling expressions and opinions, embrace and do not underestimate.

One of the design part of the first visual art project "Brighter Future" was featured an Annual General Report cover design for the Birmingham based regional support charity Autism West Midlands.
A visual art project was launched online, it is was call "Stop the freaks and the clown attitude" highlighting examples of intolerance and the negative certain people face. This project was created in conjunction with special campaign designs when the first ever World Autism Awareness Day was launched on April 2nd 2009. This was originally exclusively shown online via my personal facebook page and only my social networking friends could access the project. I did receive a variety of positive and constructive responses. This project was originally focused related to people with autism under the autism challenge banner. However because certain people who did not have autism also responded they also related to some of issued featured. 

Eleven years since the first awareness activity the awareness initiative expanded with the launch of Differences the umbrella awareness initiative with expanding projects, campaigns and content beyond autism to cover a variety of invisible disabilities. With the original awareness brand "Autism Challenge" became part of the differences family.

From of the feedback a decision was made to evolve the autism challenge initiative to cover more variety of people who also covers difficulties invisibly leading to various life obstacles. The lead to the creation of the Differences. As part of the plan the "Differences" website be created and autism challenge to part of it. So the autism challenge online presence to the Differences Website. 
The feature "Awareness Series" was launched providing special content linked to key awareness events including World Autism Awareness Day. This includes a designer presentation showing statistics of autism in the UK & Worldwide, official statement from the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day and typographic messages focusing on the human aspects of autism awareness.. In additional written insights on specific issues are also featured.

A Moving forwards campaign was developed which aims for society to move on from the conventional approach towards autism awareness. Including not to restrict awareness within scientific common medical or insights focusing on parents and professional experts.

This campaign was developed to coincide with world autism awareness day with a different twist to the existing campaign "Light it blue" by the organisation Autism Speaks.

The Moving Forwards project returned for the second year In a row with a spin-in mini element as part of the same campaign. Sense of value was designed making every be aware of the effects on valuing or lack of value towards a person with autism. This project is a fundamental development towards creating Plus Value Awareness one year afterwards.

The Autism Challenge decorated Moving Forwards mug was developed for World Autism Awareness Day for staff & students at the University of Birmingham in connection with Bridge Mentoring

"Awareness Focus" was launched online with customised addition of awareness in projects information and content within the specific conditions of autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Plus value awareness on social media expanded to Instagram and replaced Google+

Plus value Awareness website expanded information content for the conditions ADHD, dyslexia dyspraxia and Anxiety for social anxiety.

Explore further examples
A special feature celebrating 5 years of Plus Value Awareness and 20 years of Differences Originals
Month in History History in order Women Inspirations Special Year Preview
The Double Anniversary Special is connected with
Now in its 20th year, a special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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