Plus Value Awareness support this annual event.
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Original content
We need to stop the culture to disbelieving and demonlising and think on the implication ill-informed judgements. Perceptive attitudes must be confronted and challenged, no matter how popular the voices are.
We must disccourage hostility and trivial attitudes. Anyone with an invisible disability should not be made to be shameful for existing in society and the circumstances they face.
Every experience should be valued and represented well regardless of how unique or unfamiliar.
Connected projects
Related to specialised projects & previous showcase content for Invsible Disabilities
Blog: An invisible disability should not mean being invisible in society
The importance on moving away from negative attitude
Visual art Exclusive: Ignore the signs
illustrating the boundaries when the experences of invisible disabilites are ignored
Recommended projects
to explore
from the Plus Value
Awareness family
Valuing Hidden Differences
Detailed factors in valuing hidden differences beyond understanding
Event Information
The annual event has existed since 2014 promoted the Invisible Disabilities Association. The event was created by three political governors from the United States. Annually the event organisers encourage to share to others worldwide.
The event doesn't just feature people with neurological related difficulties or Social Anxiety but also people who live with impairment affects their physical abilities, chronic pain, brain injury and many other examples which cause and impact which impair their daily lives.
Recommended Organisations
For more go to the website from the official Invisible Disabilities Association website