Special on women understand

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Awareness Special for Women with Hidden Differences
Understanding Summary
A quick comparasion summary on how life affect women with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety

Communication & Interaction
Some women with Autism & Social Anxiety have fewer boundaries in social communication and can appear more neurotypical. An autistic woman can also socially blend & adapt to different environments and can largely manage better with verbal tasks than men
Physical ability & action
Women with ADHD tend to be diagnosed with less hypersensitivity or impulsive. 

A Dyspraxic woman can manage better with motor coordination better than Men.
On the spot ability & Memory
A woman with Autism & Social Anxiety can be able to mask their difficulties better than their male counterparts

Discover further examples by visiting the Undertanding series page on Women with Hidden Differences

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This feature is part of diverse differences the special feature which support different awareness events related to hidden differences. Also the features showcases a special version of featured projects and campaigns which empowers differences as well as reminding the importance a smarter sense of value.

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