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Independent people with hidden differences does not have the same kind of tastes, interests, ambitions or insights so we need to move away from stereotypes assumptions or typecast them
Background Information

The certain difficulties a person may face does not mean they are lazy or not trying. They do live with the ability & coping mechanism limitations and it can cause harm to their mental & physical health & their way of life if they are being unfairly & unrealistically pushed too far or be unfairly challenged.

Because it can be associated with invisible difficulty the can be incorrectly misjudged as weak, soft and helpless or made to feel that way with intolerance and even worse prejudice attitudes.

Certain people can notice certain differences in a person with minor difficulties but that does not mean they are simple-minded or have no intellect or dialect. So it is wrong to making assumptions and belittling remarks by making non-verbal skip hoping gestures insults or undermine the effort to come across as adjustable and to blend into society.

One of the major problems they can be easily misunderstood & wrongly disbelieved. Their experiences may not capture popular & mainstream lifestyles and experiences and can get wrongly accused of living in a glass bubble. Lack of concise understanding can mean inaccurate misperceptions can occur. It does not mean they have to be labelled weirdos or odd. They may be slightly different and & it's not the fault they have to live like this. 

Depending on a specific situation they can be a conflict in climate, environment against which compromises their abilities are at the ability and management. They may not have the specific ability tools and can affect them emotionally. This can lead them to receive impatience attitudes and be provoked upset and the use it to attack their character

Just because a person may have a slightly different ability to the average does not mean they have the same tastes, interest, lifestyle a so it very important not to make typecasting assumptions.

Many people do not like to be defined in society with their particular difficulty or the associated conditions. However unfair stigma with attitudes such a person with invisible difficulties made to feel their surrounding are limited or to socialise with others simply because they have similar difficulties or associated condition. This can be harmful to a person with invisible difficulties way of life, instead of many attempted to blend and to integrate as an inclusive member of society. Their choice should be respected and they should never feel different and use there their differences to be alienated.

Because certain attitudes cannot accept independent & articulate people with several invisible difficulties, they can be wrong discredited. Because of the attitudes mentioned does this does not mean they are are liars, frauds or cannot be trusted.

Also in social situations, certain people with invisible difficulty may struggle in certain situations including forming friends, acquaintances with the opposite sex does not mean they are either homosexual or gay.
Main Points

The difficulties that affect an independent and articulate person are real & it is important to also be aware of the side effect which affects a person well being. Including phycological and emotional stability, especially if they are excessively pushed too far beyond their ability and capability limits.

Certain people who have relationships, friendships or related to a person with invisible difficulties can have poor knowledge and don't have their energy for any full understanding are likely to put their difficulties and circumstances down. This involves using that person with an invisible difficulty as backhanded put down randomly in the middle of a different & topic or issue. It is important to be aware of this indirect misjudgement.

It is very offensive to regard them as simple or to make deformity remarks to the intellect and dialect.
Never use your lack of understanding or impatience to mock, ridicule, exploit or lose your temper towards them.

Also never use your impatience and intolerance to provoke them upset (as an easy way to deal with them) and use this to make allegations of aggression when in reality you used by your ignorance. Using your intolerance to test the feeling is a form of psychological and emotional abuse.

Be more aware of what they want to achieve in life and how their plan to approach this

Be aware of the offence you may cause if you make typecast suggestions to take part in activities for limited to people with similar difficulties and associated condition, this also applies to specific employment opportunities just because other similar people may be associated with. Especially if this has not been beneficial for them, the relationship to important people around them and the harm it has caused to their place in society. 
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More information to be added here along with a series of guides & factsheet. If you have additional suggestions for this project get in touch via social media on Twitter & Facebook.

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The description “Invisible Difficulties” are used for this initiative which covers independent, intelligent and articulate adults and young people who live with specific difficulties which as hidden and would not be visually obviously at first impression. The examples including memory, on the spot thinking ability, communication, reading, writing & calculation. These example above mainly relates certain people with Autism (at moderate and high-functioning level), ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Click here for more details.
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