value is equality

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This project element has transferred to the project Inclusive Differences

Visit inclusive differences
It is very important to think about quality & diversity. However, don't just focus on the obvious areas but also included people with hidden differences. This applies to be an inclusive member of society, also representations and at locations such as work, education, community groups and social groups.

Background Information

When it comes to representation, opportunities, being, treated fairly, and having their voice and respective heard and taken seriously is an important factor.

This can be challenging as the labels or associated with hidden differences and specific difficulties. This can be misperceived to obstacles that get in the way. this including Human rights, dignity, or even to make sure their not unfairly treated in different paths of life. This can harm their position in society and harm their place in society

Main Points

Despite they have obstacles linked to the difficulty or associated conditions may have strengths and wanted in certain skills and ability areas which many others do not have.

Just like the rest of society their dignity and human right must be respected and never use their difficulty to violate this.
Never make a broad-brush assumption to associate the difficulty of their condition with stereotypes or associate with other people with similar conditions or difficulties with high profile negative news articles.

If a person has the right skills, abilities and talent a person should able to support & encourage for any opportunity they want to achieve regardless of their specific difficulty.
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Important project changes

Please note that this project element has now transfered to a new stand-alone project online. It is called "Inclusive Differences" which explore more on the importance of inclusivity.

Visit the Inclusive Differences to explore

Inclusive Differences

Keep updated via the Plus Value Awareness Social Media channels

More information to be added here along with a series of guides & factsheet. If you have additional suggestions for this project get in touch via social media on Twitter & Facebook.

If you are interested in this project to featured for your community, organisation or society this get in touch by filling into the contacts form
The project element "Equality" is linked with
A primary awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

Visit "Value all" feature
The description “Invisible Difficulties” are used for this initiative which covers independent, intelligent and articulate adults and young people who live with specific difficulties which as hidden and would not be visually obviously at first impression. The examples including memory, on the spot thinking ability, communication, reading, writing & calculation. These example above mainly relates certain people with Autism (at moderate and high-functioning level), ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Click here for more details.
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