value is ADHD

Home > ADHD Focus > ADHD Focus projects > Value is ADHD version

ADHD Focus

Value is...
A special version of a project with examples the importance of maintaining and refining a positive sense of value for an ADHD individual

This project element has transferred to the project Valuing ADHD

Visit the updated webpage
A number a different elements with examples of unperson with ADHD has a right to have and to maintain a positive sense of value. Click on the links below to view the example of elements

Positive sense reminders

Click here to Discover

Maintaining sense of value

Click here to Discover some examples
The main project page has a total of 13 different elements. 
Containing more information which informs the background perspective, 
the main points and tips for across all invisible difficulties.
Visit the Main project page

Plus Value Awareness Supporting

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