Twenty One Documents

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Beyond Twenty-One Special

Insight & Analysis documents

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A family of special documents to complete Twenty-one years since the Project Director, Keith Mckenzie started awareness projects, campaigns and activities.

Twenty-one insight
The insight documents contain written insight based on observations of voices and news articles and objective insight on the human aspects of hidden differences over the past two decades.

This is divided into two bite-size documents

Twenty-one insight Bitesize 1
Twenty-one insight Bitesize 2

Twenty-one Analysis

Providing analysis, suggestions and solutions based on the topics featured in the insight documents.

Access special Twenty-one documents

The special docuements are available for Awareness organisations, education establishments, journalists, podcasters and organisers of events, webinars & conferences.

If you're interested to access in featuring the contents of the special twenty-one insight and analysis document please get in touch and follow the project director's Linkedin profile link below.

Extra insight
Additional information can be available which includles personal experences from the Project Director.

This is available as part of a presenation in a seminar, webinar, conferences and other awareness events

If you're interested please get in touch and follow the project director's Linkedin profile link below.

Special Factsheet
To accompany the special documents a summary of extracts are feature on a factsheet document

You can download the factsheet here
You need a PDF supported application to view the document.

Download File

Connect via the Project Director via Linkedin

Get in touch with the project director profile on Linkedin if you're interest to view the special documents for your community, support & activity groups, support organisations, care providers, partnerships and businesses. Click on the link below and connect to Keith Mckenzie's profile on Linked-in

Project director on Linkedin

It will be up to the discretion of the project drector on any acceptance of connection requests on Linkedin.

Beyond Twenty-One Special

Beyond Twenty-one index Neurodiversity Regenerated

Other features to discover on this website

History in detail About Project Director
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