5+20 Month August

Double Anniversary Special
A Month in History: August
Please note the information on this page features the original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now rebranded "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.
A historical look a specific developments during the month August within 20 years
The original awareness brand autism challenge was showcasing its awareness projects and features at "Autscape", an international autism conference made by & for those living within the autistic spectrum. This includes a PowerPoint presentation if the finding of the "Asperger Syndrome Survey" and the visual art project "Brighter Future". For the first, a printed presentation pack was developed for all conference delegates and an exhibition display was created with a summary of survey findings & the "Brighter Future" project.

Developed 6 months before it was launched a proposal on Plus Value Awareness was launched to develop the awareness within the marketing & campaign lead concept.
Explore further examples
A special feature celebrating 5 years of Plus Value Awareness and 20 years of Differences Originals
Month in History History in order Women Inspirations Special Year Preview
The Double Anniversary Special is connected with
Now in its 20th year, a special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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