Diff Moving forwards

Moving Forwards
(including the original sense of value project)
This project was originally specified for the Autistic spectrum (in particular High-functioning Autism & Asperger Syndrome) but it can also apply to other specific invisible difficulties including ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety

Originally an "Autism Challenge" project now presented as Differences Originals was presented during World Autism Awareness Day over two consecutive years. The main design & sense of value variation became a blueprint for Plus Value Awareness.
The main aim was to move away from the coventional approach to autism awareness. This means not to restrict to reaerach, money raising, tratments, support or interventions. But also other factor to enable people with the autstsic sprectrum to move forward with sustainability. This exanded to sense of value version of the project being aware more aware on the effects depending on you you judge and treat a person with autism.

Discover below to see both versions of this project

Main verions of Moving Forwards
The main part of the projects was to move on with Autism awareness beyond the conventional issues.

(Featured examples)
Jigsaw globe
The one focus on the ultimate goals and to move on from understanding and support.

Multi coloured Jigsaw
This design addresses the highlight each person on the autism spectrum and how it affect them are not the same.

Click on the gallery below to view examples in detail
Moving forwards main design gallery
The main design of the Moving Forwards project was transfered as a decorating drinking ceramic mug design.
It was developed in conjection with Bridge Mentoring and the University of Birmingham.

I was asked by Caroline Lear from Bridge Mentoring to convert this project into a special mug design for
World Autism Awareness Day at the University of Birmingham at a special event shared to Students, staff, students & lecturers.

Browse down this page to see more of this project to discover the Sense of Value variations

Sense of value variation of Moving forwards
A creative campaign aimed for challenge to take responsibility on how they value & treat adults in the autism spectrum.
It addresses the importance of not to mistreat people with autism. It displays the positive advantages or the negative consequences depend on how people with autism was treated.

The visual aspects highlights the advantages and consequences demand on how an autistic person is valued in society.
There versioon hoghtingcombined sides and the emphasis of the positive and negative treatments

Click on the gallery below to view examples in detail
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Differences Originals, providing awareness projects since 2000 and a fundamental feature part of the Plus Value Awareness family
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