A Combination of steps you should take to combat this problem
* You must be more aware and make notes on the type of people and places, environments and climate where you more likely to be picked on. From that information, you have noted make adjustments on where you are to make it difficult for the offender to cause further trouble or to cause you upset. This can also apply to where you located at public places or the walk you walk to certain places or a particular transport journey.
* Keep track in detail by making records on the kind of prejudice you face.
* If possible a general advice of ignoring and moving away from the situation which causes problems.
* If you see are on the kind of person who's likely to cause offence in the general public then does not draw to their attention by looking away from the offender. You can do other things including a walk on the opposite side of the street from the kind of people likely to cause offence. This can prevent you to become a target of any abuse.
* Avoid showing any sort of anxiety or despair as they can use this to cause further problems.
* It is also important to share on how you are treated to the important ones in your life including your family, friends, acquaintances, colleges & staff and management at work, colleges & university.
But you should only mention the most significant incidents and not too frequently. Otherwise, you could risk losing your respect, creditability and could alienate yourself.
* If the situation you receiving is life-threatening you must phone emergency police number 999^.
Despite the way you a teated is harmful, offensive and cause harmful phycological scars. This kind of non-verbal offences you experiences is sadly are not classed as criminal offence so it is not anything can be done when reporting to the police or other officials unless it is in connection with receiving verbal and physical abuse. So it important to keep records especially the same person or groups of people are creating persistent incidents towards you,
^ - The emergency phone number details applies to residents in there United Kingdom only