History Differences

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History of Differences

Please note the information on this page will incluide references to this feature original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now renamed as "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.

The Differences along with Autism Challenge was a standalone family of initiatives to highlights and challenge awareness with individual with invisible difficulties from High-functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout to Dyslexia and learning based mental health issues. The main approach was to break the convention on awareness projects to challenge the understand & attitudes

This was highlighted round the family of brand names Differences and Autism Challenge:

The content areas of the initiative is broken up in these main areas:

Differences Campaign

A campaign to challenge society and the system attitude towards everyone who has invisible difficulties

Differences Creative

A project using art and design and translate awareness visually

* Issues and topics

* Background analysis on featured subjects

* Resources

Differences was developed after over a decade of projects under the autism challenge initiative. 


The first signs of differences projects started as a campaign with 4 poster designs. The campaign was to challenge the negative attitude anyone with hidden difficulties. The Differences campaign posters were on display as part of Autism Awareness Week event in at the University of Birmingham. The event was organised by the support charity autism west midlands.


A Visual art project was launched online, entitled "Stop the freaks and the clown attitude" highlighting examples of intolerance and the negative certain people face. This was originally exclusively shown online via my personal facebook page and only my social networking friends could access the project. I did receive a variety of positive and constructive responses. This project was originally focused related to people with autism under the autism challenge banner. However because certain people who did not have autism also responded they also related to some of issued featured I decide to expanded part of the wider differences initiative. 


The Differences website was launched and as part of the plan autism challenge moved its online content to the and become part of the Differences website. With the Differences website (including Autism Challenge) more can be developed with integrated initiatives, campaigns and projects in one place.


A series of focused awareness projects was created associated with key awareness events. It is called Differences Awareness Series when a number of special features and content are highlighted. This ranges from design presentation of statistics & quotes and written insights. During 2011 and 2013 specialised awareness content was created related to awareness Depression and Autism. More areas to be planned including Mental Health, Human Rights, Dyslexia and Suicide Prevention.

During 2012 a creative campaign project called "Avoid the easy response" and was developed to avoid the most obvious reactions and responses towards Mental or hidden Difficulties 

In addition some Autism Challenge projects was developed during 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014 including "Don't Demonise people with autism" and "Moving Forwards".

Written insights and resources was developed against certain projects including: "Stop blaming People for their Differences", "Stop the Freaks..", "Brighter Future" and the "Asperger Syndrome Survey". Also focused issues was created including how the cuts in the UK's public services can affects individuals and families with invisible difficulties.

An example of the "Autism Challange" Moving Forwards project was featured on a special designed mug presentation to students, staff and lectures at University of Birmingham for World Autism awareness day in 2014.


Differences was evolved and rebranded as Differences & Autism Challenge and become connected with the initiative Plus Value Awareness. A series of projects to encourage the general public and society as a whole to get involved. Also to develop products and services which shape a strategy to promote a better sense of value towards independent young people and adults with invisible difficulties. Click here to the Plus Value Awareness website


Major structure changes occurred with Differences & Autism Challenge along with Plus Value Awareness is becomes part of a parent identity Plus Value Fusion as presented as portfolio of social aim services & products for business, communities & the rest of society.


Due to unplanned disruptions due an online image library provider blocked images. The Differences & Autism Challenge was offline since July 2017 for 7 months.


Differences & Autism challenge has become an integrated part of plus Value Awareness family and the online presence has transferred inside Plus Value Awareness website. Despite the major changes Differences & Autism challenge maintain it's distinctive integrity with projects & features.


During the double anniverisary year this feature changes its name to Differences Orginals uding may after the autism challenge name was used negatively on the social media platform TikTok with a trend of horifying and offesntive videos which discriminated agsinat autsitic people. So the name change was made to distant itself from that online stigma.

Click on the links below to find more with other History links in detail
Differences Orginals is an integrated part of the Plus Value Awareness
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