Embrace Dancing identification info

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The Online special developed by

Keith Mckenzie with Plus Value Awareness

Visual aids & identification

For dancers with Neurodiversity, Inviisble Disabilities and those who has experenced Anxiety 

When attending dancing classes, workshops, events, parties and conventions, wearing visual aids and identification might reduce and remove some of the barriers many people with hidden differences when learning and being visible at different classes and events.

Potentially these identification materials can enable for other dancers to be patient & accomodating. This means it could reduce the risk of shame or embrassment when your diifculties affect how your dancing presence and learning.  Also it can remove the pressure to explaining yourself when any kinds of misunderstanding occour.

It might not be everyone for different reasons but it can enable others to modify their judgement and not use a person's difficulties to disrespect their ability or presence.

The most recognised examples are the Sunflower Lanyard and badges, which cover all hidden disabilities, including hidden differences.
Some organisations have identification badges for specific difficulties from support charities, and community organisations and awareness at the National, regional and local levels.

Please beware that many people are not aware of the visual aids and identification. So please explain very briefly and patiently how difficulties affect your presence.

Some people may be open-minded, and others may not be accommodating, so prepare a procedure when this occurs, including reporting when necessary.

Be cautious when you wear visual aids and identification as it could cause negative stigma and cause ableist discrimination and bullying.

To access visual aids and idenifications.

You need search online to find the and access the appopriate identification to suit you.

This website cannot share direct online links as this awareness initiative is not responsible for any potential issues which could occour.

Also this awareness initiative cannot promote or to provide reccomendation due to legal risks of brand endorsement.

Visit the home page of the "Embrace Dancing" special to explore special projects and developments available all year round and supporting dance events during April

Presented a number of dancing related projects by the Project Director 

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Developed with Plus Value Awareness and Focused projects by Keith Mckenzie

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Reccomended project to discover

Inclusive to Dance

The information and suggestions project and pledges to encourage inclusivity for dancers with Neurodiversity, Invisible Disabilities and Anxiety

Select on the link below to visit the Inclusive Differences project webpage

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