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Anti-Bullying Key Points
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© Copyright Keith Mckenzie
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Extracts from the digital templates
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* An autistic person's difficulty is not comedy
* An autistic person are humans so stop making references to animals or a circus clown.
* There are no excuses to be lazy with typecasting assumptions towards anyone with autism
* Not cool to judge and make derogatory insults
* Not cool to make physically abuse an autistic person
* Not cool to use an autistic person & to laugh at their expense
* Not cool to single out an autistic person to cause them hurt and shame
* You cannot claim you are a good ethical person, when you bully or harass an autistic person
* You cannot be ethically sound, if you physically abuse anyone with autism
* You are not smart, if you cannot see a person beyond their difficulties
* You cannot be a decent person, if you damage an autistic person's safety and life
* You are not being competitive, if you are exploiting and manipulating an autistic person for the difficulties they live with.
* You are not a sophisticated person, if you are mocking autistic people on social media, online forums or on video
* They have feelings too
* An autitsic person have the right to exist without being picked-on, disrespected, be wrongly shamed or to live in fear
* Freedom of speech is a lazy & irresponsible excuse to offend anyone with autism
* Think about the pain is the stress it causes
* How it destroys their life opportunities
* It can be disruptive and causes harm to relationships with family, friends and any contact in the short & long term.
* The effects on their health & well-being
* It causes a damaging effect to their self-worth and life
It's everyone's responsibility to take action on bullying
* Speak-up if you know someone have experienced bullying
* Don't dismiss bullying simply as trivial
* Outdated responses "ignore it", "rise above it" or " learn to deal with it" will not stop bullying
* Support a person who is being bullied and not blame them for their difficulties
* Be more supportive of an autistic person and make them feel more inclusive
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Anti-Bullying Visual Design
A specially designed abstract visual design featuring the "No to bullying" message. Everyone is invited to spread the word online & on social media.
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