Special commonwealth information

Plus Value Awareness Presents

Project Director's Special involvement Information

The project director, Keith Mckenzie was part on special family of projects to showcase the host city of the Commonwealth Games in Birmimgham

This incluudles the project director featured on a video campaign as a community particpant and interviewed on his involvement including Plus Value Awareness.

The campaign video "Be Your Personal Best" is developed by Birmingham City Council which feature selected community influencials and participants. It is directed by marketing agency, "Liquid" and will appear on Birmimgham City Council social media channels during the summer months including the Commonwealth Games.

Keith is also involved in a creative marketing competition in promoting the Birmingham a showcase city to the UK & world. The competition is by Birmingham City Council and the online publishers "I Choose Birmingham". It is linked to the "Be Bold, Be Birmingham" campaign which is displayed across the city during the August & September

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View the video campaign featuring the project director

Part of the campaign to showcasing Birmingham after hosting the commonwealth games and the long term legacy

View the video on YouTube

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The video was produced by Liquid in conjunction with Birmingham City Council

As the video is the property of Birmingham City Council, I am not responsible for the content on the link provided

Find out more on the video campaign

A summary of the video campaign for

Birmingham City Council over on the Project Director's website

Click here for details

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View the designs developed by project director for a competition to showcase Birmingham

This was linked to the campaign to showcase the host city for the commonwealth games

Click on the link below to the Project Director's website

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A special Q&A Information page developed

Explore more insight from the Project Director of Plus value Awareness including about his influnces, background and ambitions

Click on the link below to the Project Director's website

Click here for details

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Explore more

The project director has developed the online special which will contain details of the video campaign involvement and the creative competition with additional insight and expanded information

To find out more visit the Commonwealth Special feature over on the Keith Mckenzie website

Visit Commonwealth Special

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