* Be aware of that persons coping & ability limits
* Never use your judgement to pick on them or make practical pranks.
This can be perceive this a direct insult & undermining their presence in society, even if you not intended to.
* Be aware of a person with invisible difficulties side effects, when they are pushed beyond they ability limitations, or when taking on too much things at the same time.
* When they feel tense or uneasy, don't make lectures on how they perceived or make mimicking hand questers. Also do not make remarks on the skills and the abilities they may lack or make comparisons on how other may have gone through greater situations nor to patronise them or attack their character.
These examples are not be helpful or be appreciated. Especially if that person might be stressed, or struggling with situation or type of location.
* If you want to acknowledgement when that person is feeling uneasy, ask them if are they are OK and mention carefully that you have notice something different about them, then offer and invite them offer to them to share to you if there anything which affect how they feel. Also offer to talk about this away from the location where they are at the time especially of the location is packed. As they might find too much to listen to you.
If they don't like to know too much mention "very briefly" when offering to share your points.
* If you see a person with difficulty in the public and they appear slightly different in things like body language, facial expressions, walking and body how their hold themselves. Please refrain from over scrutinising how they are or to paraphrase on how you perceive them. Avoid to respond on how they are misperceived including mocking, making hand gestures on how you perceived them & picking on them or make judgement comments.
You might not realise that you are causing further stress and uneasy tensions against them. Also you are making it harder for them to have their have ability to function and causing them to feel unnecessary pressured further for the wrong reasons. Remember they also have feelings too.
* If their on the spot ability and perceived as slightly slower avoid using you judgement by physically pushing past them or shoving them in public places.
Remember their difficulties and how it affects them are not intended to irritate you to to test your patience.
* If you being told that certain types of environments are difficult or being undertaking a task are hard (due to compromises their ability limitations). Avoid comments like "you have to deal with it" or "that's the way it is". They will find these comments unhelpful and felt you're not taking their experiences and how it affect them serious enough. This can cause further problems for them including making them feeling quickly withdrawal much quicker than you think and cause harm to their confidence.
* Make some suggestions to them if you been told about certain environment and tasks may be more more challenging or at times impossible. If you cannot make suggestions be encouraging such "do as as you can" and "I respect your letting me know"
saying this just in case a situation goes wrong against that person with difficulties.
* Another tip if you cannot offer suggestions when they share to you certain environments or certain actions or activity difficult. You also show a bit of interest further and ask why it affecting them and offer to them to give some you suggestions.
You're not expected to have an overnight instant solution but when you are told some suggestions might have an opportunity for you and the affected person to find ways which can be helpful.
* Avoid imposing your intolerance as an easy way to attack their ability.
They will not respect you for this and not likely to not be around you or avoid you completely.
* If they need time out from the environment from where they are which might be too much after a while please support them to do this.
If you discourage this then then further problems could occurs against them like social anxiety and could be increasingly withdrawn (socially, emotionally and socially).