A Combination of steps you should take to combat this problem
Learn to be be assertive
On some occasions is not appropriate to respond as it can cause personal risk to your safety.
However there are other occasion when it is important to stand up from yourself but this is only appropriate depending on the situation you are at the kind of people are are causing the offensive the climate and environment. If you do stand up for yourself you much not show any sort of emotional despair otherwise you will loose you sense of value and any sort of social credibility especially this incident occur in front of your friends, family and anyone with some sort or relationship with you. In some cases you cold loose any friendship or relationship because of showing any sign of emotional despair.
At times when you don't response the offender may see this as an endorsement for them to abuse you further to a level when are attempting to harm your presence or to your personal safety. So sometimes doing nothing & saying nothing does not mean you are safe from any further harm to yourself. Remember you must monitor and assess each situation carefully before deciding to be assertive or not.
Make a Complaint
If you are treated badly from a service you are receiving or you attempted to access them make a complaint. Make your points clear based you you basic human rights, dignity and your original intentions. You can share you emotional perspective but what your share must be objective in your place in society.
It is compulsory that someone important in your life needs to be informed on your experiences including supportive family members, a supportive friend.
If you do receive some assistance from support organisation and health organisations be careful on sharing as it could backfire with unsupportive responses and also could cause strain on the support you have.
Also be be careful on sharing this to any body else it could backfire with unsupportive responses and also could cause strain on the relationship you have especially if the other persons circumstances are much more demanding & harder than you. Also you a painting picture you are selfish and come across as toxic to others in relationship to level they don't want to be round you or be near you.
Report & talk to others
Informed how you are treated to certain services such as the Police (non-emergency), local mental health services.
Get in touch with focused services
Get in touch with support organisation who provides services services against discrimination & hate crime.
Be resourceful
Develop for yourself straggles and procedure on how you deal with the situations.
You can find this out by digesting from, education courses, specialist books and creditable resources online.
Keep records & pick your moments wisely to remind other when you was not listened to
If you feel that you are not taken serious enough or your dignity was ignored. Make a record then use it in the future to make your point that you failed when something more serious occurs adjacent you this gains writability on the point your was failed to be taken serious and to defend your point adjacent anyone or any services who failed to take your serious in the past.
Adjust your self
Some of the issues can occur due to how you project your self identity and appearance or ability.
Use your own initiate to find out ways to improve your self. You can find this out by digesting from education courses, specialist books and creditable resources online. Also you needs to develop on the spot strategies to prevent a particular situation occur again.
Seek advice
You can seek advice but be selective as some will give you advice on what they want from you which might not be helpful or make the problem worst. Also they might give advice which might not be appropriate for your circumstances.
Seek help quickly when thing go very badly.
If a situation occurs which as emotionally affected you or cause you ementional strain.
Get in touch with specialist counselling services you can contact by phone. Some services are available after office hours and can provide additional services such as drop in centre when you can talk to someone face to face.
The longer you leave it the harder it is to recover on how thew situation affected you.