History 2012-2014

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History in detail


Please note the information on this page features the original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now rebranded "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.Click here for details

A historical look of developments in chronological order



The Awareness Series presentation message expanded with the content on Mental Health & Depression



Two awareness projects & campaigns were created.

"Don't demonise people with autism", a campaign to stop blaming an autistic person for existing.

"Avoid the easy response", a digital art project highlighting attitudes towards a person with differences over different scenarios.



A Moving forwards campaign was developed which is aim for society to move on from the conventional approach towards autism awareness. Including not to restrict awareness within scientific common medical or insights focusing on parents and professional experts.

This campaign was developed to coincide with world autism awareness day with a different twist to the existing campaign "Light it blue" by the organisation Autism Speaks.



The Moving Forwards project returned for the second year Inna row with a spin-in mini element as part of the same campaign. Sense of value was designed making every be aware of the effects on valuing or lack of value towards a person with autism. This project is a fundamental development towards creating Plus Value Awareness one year afterwards.



The Autism Challenge decorated Moving Forwards mug was developed for world autism awareness Day for staff & students at the University of Birmingham in connection with Bridge Mentoring

Explore further history examples in detail

This feature is connected with
The special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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