Please note the information on this page will incluide references to this feature original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now renamed as "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.
A historical look of developments in chronological order
The project director Keith Mckenzie started his very first awareness activities & projects. It began under the original awareness brand of Autism Challenge with a letter to the three political parties in the United Kingdom on how their policies can improve the lives with autism. The response was not very strong. Many didn't have clear policies at the time. The Conservative party in 2000 didn't have any policy to share at a time. The Labour party developed a number of trial proposals but none had a solid policies. The Liberal Democrats had a number of policies. However no policies would be certain that they would work on practice.
The early principles of awareness under the Autism Challenge name was to challenge conventional awareness and attitudes towards autism including Asperger syndrome.
The initiative was developed before social media begin to exist. The aim is to go beyond awareness and to challenge the society’s attitude. Other than specialist newsletters devoted for people with autism, online chatrooms and blogs, there is little opportunity for people with autism to have a voice. Any viewpoints or opinions tend to come from professionals, academics and parents. It was essential that all people with Autism should have their say on what affects their lives and not for other to communicate about them or on their behalf.
The original message of that people with Autism and Asperger Syndrome have their own feeling expressions and opinions, embrace and do not underestimate.
The first visual art project developed with main design eventually became part of the Brighter Future Project was featured in a National Autistic Society publication called "The problem is Understanding" This was part of the charity's 40th Anniversary that year. Which featured photographs, written expressions & creative as part of a special anniversary competition.
The start of the first major project. The Asperger's Syndrome Survey developed during the National Autistic Society 40 anniversary year with their events a lack response of the lack of representatives or participation of a anyone with autism during their anniversary year at the time. A number of printed surveys was developed. This was distributed to a particular activity group in Birmingham which initially expanded to other parts of the west midlands metropolitan areas and the rural counties in the region. Then later in the year, the survey was expanded beyond the West Midlands region to other selected areas of mainland Britain. Including East Midlands, London, Central Scotland, The Home Counties, East Anglia and the South Coast with further involvement with several regional charities in other areas.
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