Presented theme project:
We cannot simplify mental health
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Month
Linked with the project Don't Underestimate
Mental health is one of the most important matters that can affect anyone and everybody.
Mental Health affect skills & abilities
It can affect skills and abilities
If a person is stressed anxious and with other mental health side effects can affect basic functions such as listening, reading and taking physical and practical tasks and actions with most people take for granted.
If a person becomes ignored it can worsen with mental fatigue tiredness and being in a mental space where they are continuously irrational mindset. This can lead to accidents and a high amount of emotional despair which can cause damaging disruptions for hours days and even weeks.
Mental Health can cause harm if ignored
How it could cause harm if it's not recognised and considered
It goes on to notice it can cause extreme amounts of disruption to how a person can normally cope and manage daily along with harmful side effects to a person's health and well-being.
You can't sweep the matter under the rug or will disappear by pressurising or directing people
Encouraging the person to ignore the matter will not make mental health disappear. This approach can make the matter much worse especially if the person is ignored on the estimated and undervalued.
Closed minds can make situations worse
Some people's viewpoints conclude that the approach should be related to dictating and pressuring people to medical or talking treatment or physical activity and working regularly will reduce the risks. In reality, this can make a person cope a lot worse with disruptive consequences, especially if the matters affecting the person are not resolved.
Some people with hidden differences can face worse experiences if they experience bullying, constant discrimination and psychological and emotional abuse which can maximize the harm of mental health. Unless the person is fully supported when this situation occurs they can be unfairly blamed.
Shaming and dividing people doesn't help
Certain people with closed minds have responded to disrespecting the person experiencing mental health as a negative liability and becoming a burden to anyone nearby and in specific inclusive environments. This can lead to a person facing rejection excluded and frightened some cases become isolated with no one to turn to and no support from anyone.
It is not something we can underestimate with sort sighted perception
Certain viewpoints undervalue mental health awareness with inappropriate language such as lightweight or snowflake culture for anyone who attempts to reduce negative stigma by improving mental health awareness.
Experencing Mental Health is not a choice of lifestyle
Some people's viewpoints conclude that the approach should be related to dictating and pressuring people to medical or talking treatment or physical activity and working regularly will reduce the risks. In reality, this can make a person cope a lot worse with disruptive consequences, especially if the matters affecting the person are not resolved.
Some people with hidden differences can face worse experiences if they experience bullying, constant discrimination and psychological and emotional abuse which can maximize the harm of mental health. Unless the person is fully supported when this situation occurs they can be unfairly blamed.
Shaming and dividing people doesn't help
Certain people with closed minds have responded to disrespecting the person experiencing mental health as a negative liability and becoming a burden to anyone nearby and in specific inclusive environments. This can lead to a person facing rejection excluded and frightened some cases become isolated with no one to turn to and no support from anyone.
It is not something we can underestimate with sort sighted perception
Certain viewpoints undervalue mental health awareness with inappropriate language such as lightweight or snowflake culture for anyone who attempts to reduce negative stigma by improving mental health awareness.
For anyone experiencing mental health there is no such thing as a culture or lifestyle it's a reality that occurs and we must respect the experiences at face value.
There was no one-way approach
Mental health is not a factor of mental toughness it is about realising that every person faces meant to health differently.
Mental Health cannot be simplified related to the approach & ways forward.
Everyone can do their bit to be supportive and show empathy towards someone experiencing mental health
Some people benefit from medical treatment, and some people are just someone to talk to and to listen to without judgment need talking support or intense psychology. However, some people might need their space for relaxation and half the time to recover
Everyone can do their bit to be supportive and show empathy towards someone experiencing mental health
Events information
World Mental Health Day
The International awareness event happens every October
Related projects and articles
Highlights on supporting Mental Health Awareness Week & Mental Health Month
Blog: Mental health is not for dehumanising
An insight on not to demonise a person with hidden differences when experencing mental health
Read the article on WordPress
Blog: Evaluate the risks
An insight on how everyone must evaluate and adjust mental health risks to an ever changing society.
Read the article on WordPress
Blog: It's not a trivalisation game
An insight on the reaility how some people with hidden differences can be taken less seriously when experences mental health
Read the article on WordPress
Explore Further and articles
Available throughout October
Visit the Online Special for supporting World Mental Health Day
Including Original contnet and assocated projects project and articles (Available throughout October)
Updated with a new look
Visit the index page of the project "Don't Underestimate"
The information project focusing how Mental Health affects Hidden Differences
The information for this page will change annually with the information transferred to the insight blog after 12 months.