diversity tips

for the general public & the wider society

* Take time to understand to understand how specific difficulties affect someone you have contact with rather than general information.

* Be aware of the strengths and their ability limitations

* Take time to understand on situations, circumstances and climates which can either compromise that personal ability & capacity limited.

* In addition be aware their difficilities could at risk be unfairly excluded and the confidence, self esteem and well-being side effects.

* Talk to them on what's bring the best out if them and what will make them feel valued and appreciated with that in help they make could even share and suggestion that they can do in return to help or benefit you and the people around you.

The information above is a summary information of tips & suggestions.
Further information to added and to be developed further featuring different focus life groups including a version for people with invisible difficulties. In addition a more detailed guides & factsheet to be available for print & digital formats (optimised for desktop or mobile & tablets)

In addition this project can be customised with a series of a more detailed materials on a form of guides, facts sheet and detailed guidelines can be developed as service within 8 focused life group areas. 

If you feel this and other projects can benefit your business, organisation, community or a public service please get in touch on the enquiry form over on the Plus Value Enterprise website.
Please state your name, job position, organisation and how will the project can benefit you

The focus group areas is made up of 8 sections
Including: Business, Community, Relationships, Public Services, Education & Work, Government related services, Society and people with invisible difficulties.
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