Autism awareness April

Home > Awareness Series > World Autism Awareness Day & Month
The Plus Value Awareness Initiative along with Differences & Autism Challenge supports the two major awareness events during April including World Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd) and Autism Awareness Month (April 1st-30th).

This annual event is spread greater knowledge of the autistic spectrum and the associated issues. 
The United Nations leads this series of events with World Awareness Day on April 2nd. 

Meanwhile organisations and charities from locally, nationally & worldwide continue with further awareness project and activities throughout the month of April.

Click on the links below on the features from this awareness initiative
This is part of the Feature "Awareness Series", a combination of visual art, campaigns and written issues linked with some of the awareness events throughout the year. During each awareness series feature web users will be asked to take part and to share general or focused viewpoint & expressions linked with that particular awareness subjects. Eventually the public can able to get in touch this website and via the social media. 

Eventually a special feature will be created when everybody will able to view all the gathered comments and topics linked with the series Awareness Series event online. In addition special documents and publication may be developed. Some of the contributions could be also featured on the main features of this website. 

The Awareness Series is connected with
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