Valued More Spread the Value

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The content on this project is an earlier version of awareness projects for Plus Value awareness.
A new family of projects are being developed with a new look. Click here to find our more. 
Spread the Value
Activity project
A series of promotional materials is part of the activity project " Spread the Value" informing about the key elements of the Plus Value initiave encouraging to spread the word any to support and get involved.
The Valued More version of this activity is to people with invisible difficulties to be smart more strategic and able to take control of their lives aimed to improve their sense of value.

Click on the links below to view each project
To improve a sense of value this project informes towrds people with invsible diiulites to aimer higher and rase thrir standrds to make sure great things to happen in life.
To encourge people with invsisible difficulities to take contol ogf their lives more and tobe strategic to make sure negatives issues dont affect their lives
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