Valued More soon

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Welcome to the Valued More section. 
This will become the place to encourage society to challenge their attitudes towards adults with invisible difficulties.

Here a preview of projects and campaigns to come soon:

* Life opportunities (autism)
To encourage people who has has obsessions or has hobbies and interests to think on the consequences on how it can affect certain life opportunities (scuh as employment, friendships and relationships) and how it could get into trouble with the law and legal system.

* Appearance standards
Encourage people to raise their standards on appearance against life opportunities and to avoid being typecasted.

* Manage abilities to function in society
Due to the changing attitudes and trends this project is encourage people to more to better their ability and standards

* connect & relate to others
A series of projects to encouraging people to be more in touch and to relate to others if they want to move forward better

* Disclosure
A project to encourage people with invisible difficulties to think carefully before disclosing and sharing their difficulties also to be aware of the consequences and obstacles when sharing & not sharing.

* Employable and adjustment
A series of project to courage people to do more to improve their employment and career chances and the consequences if you re too dependant on others to help or assist you.

* Respected & taken serious smart knowledge
A project with encourage people to learn and improve knowledge on different subjects, topics and other life experiences beyond their life of they will be valued and taken serious

* Balanced dignity
Encourage people to be aware of their dignity and human rights and not let any one or organisation to abuse or undermine this.

* Take control
To encourage people with invisible difficulties to take full control on what they want to achieve with their own strategy, directions and not let other people or organisation interfere or compromise any essential goals.
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