The Information & education feature is now enhanced with expanding content
This feature orginally was named as Understanding Invisible Difficulties has recieved a makeover with a new look & will have a new name "Understanding Series".
This feature has expanded with more content added andhas replaced some content from the "Awareness Series".
Understanding Statistics
The facts of figures of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia & Social Anxiety is now live.
More to come
Futher featured to be added in the future to Undertanding Series
Be Aware
The fothcoming mini awareness campaign which challenges misperecption and based on myths, typecasts and assumptions. This will be presented as an online campaign along with social media campaigns, marketing posters and education materials on different platforms.
Understanding information guides
Details of a special understanding information guidelines to maximise sustainability and inclusivity for specific envionments and communities.