Social media changes will recieve a makeover & much more
The new look will be phased-in on the Plus Value Awareness profiles on Facebook, Twitter & Inatagram.
A new style cover templates with a new flexible profile image.
New flexible profile image
The new style profile image will have a flexible twist. As well the main brand identiy, it will change frequenly with a flexible identity symbol with different visual imagery. This could be related to projects, campaigns, features along with other examples linked with life experences, events, seasons, occasions and to show support to different awareness events.
Status templates
The templates used for status & posts will recive a major makeover with a more flexible and more colourful look. It will contain extracts of projects, features and campaigns with over 300 templates have been developed.
Connect templates
As wll as status templates, a new extra family which feature visual imagery & short messages suach as: new week ahead, weekend, outdoor life, seasons and annual occasions. This will be used to general or specific greetings along with tips & advice. This will start to appear later this year on a gradual basis.
Keep updated here online and on social media.