The empowering & showcase feature currently is now availible online as a pernament feature after the success of the eariler verion of this feature presented as "Diverse Differences Special".
Thereare new impovements and some changes with expansion and it will replace some content from the "Awareness Series".
* Supporting Awareness events
Diverse Differences will be the new home for online content which supports events such as World Autism Awareness Day & Month, World Mental Health Day, Dyslexia Awareness Week, Dyspraxia Awareness Week & ADHD awareness month will transfer from "Awareness Series". Also it will gradully supporting other events such as Black History Month, International Women's Day in 2020 and many more.
* Awareness Calendar
The new improved version which contains a summary of dates of awareness events with web links to the special pages which supports a specific awareness events.
* Other developments
Diverse Differences will continue to feature special version of the featured or a forthcoming projects and campaigns