stigma background

Reduce the Stigma
Background Information
There is a conflict with the lack of clear perception and representation with people with invisible difficulties. Many associated certain conditions linked with the invisible difficulties with negative perceptions.
Negative representation
Examples with conditions linked with invisible difficulties has committed serious criminal offences such as: Illegally hacking into classified information with the FBI. A stock trader causing financial fraud with eight counts of conspiracy to defraud with facing many years in prison. Also other common offences including illegally accessing confidences detailed of actors on a major west end play, attempted deliberate murder and stalking offences. Through many news articles most people who many offences with invisible difficulties usually have a track record of being either in trouble in the past or had mental health treatments in conjunction with being sectioned into mental health institutions or both.

However these people does paint a poor misrepresentation due to the lack of balance showing other people with similar difficulties who don’t commit criminal offences and instead do great things in local communities and in society.
Stigmatised myths
The associated conditions related to invisible difficulties can be unfairly associated with unsavoury activities, interests which does not related to many people. Because of the kind difficulties certain people live with are not visually obvious it can be leas to situations when are unfairly misunderstood as disbelieved to a levels when get accused on playing acting or pretending to be disabled. 
Stigmatised judgements
These people do not reflect the majority of many people other people with other invisible difficulties. This causes dangerous assumption against people with invisible difficulties as a whole. This includes cannot be trusted on the internet, be a fraud to other finances and security systems. Other examples including they are liars and cannot be trusted generally or near any women and be false associated with violence, staking & murder offences.
The approaches and attitudes
When a negative story featuring a person with invisible difficulties, certain organisations related to specific conditions associated with invisible difficulties tend to conclude with society’s lack of understanding seeing additional support as a solution, or would go on the defence that person are convicted as a criminal. In some cases that be legitimate but other times would not appropriate. Also the negative profiling can be presented with a lack of context without distance these negative examples from the majority of people with invisible difficulties & associated conditions who do not commit any crime or is not related with any negative offences. 

Also only focusing on the mental health treatments with the lack on looking forward in the long term on where that person need to be to move forward in life, they instead focus on short-term goals. 

The examples above can lead to conflicted attitudes from there rest of society including mistrust and hostility judgements as “Lacking moral compass” or “Hiding behind their difficulties as an excuse” as an example.
Stigmatised obstacles
Due to stereotypes and negative profiling, certain people who might appear slightly different on ability can potential face being unfairly picked on with trivialised verbal insults and physical pranks against them which can lead to more harmful incidents. One of the examples including facing mate hate crime when certain groups of offenders befriend a person with invisible difficulty then gradually get bully them to a level they cause cause harm to that person’s life.

Stigma can cause harmful effects online including Social Media. Bloggers and campaigners with certain invisible difficulties can face a number of problems including having their profiled hacked, finished through to major including including death threats. This is due the of negative stereotypes certain minority of people use this to cause harm individuals and associated conditions who has online blogs, online forums and on social media profiles

During a television documentary focusing with finding love online, a major online dating website would discredit any person with “High neurotic” qualities as undesirable and more likely to be rejected & excluded. The term “High neurotic” can affect a person with invisible difficulty if they display certain reaction especially when thing go wrong against them. The examples including anxiety, shyness, avoiding bad situations and fearing to be not understood.

Because of this the examples many independent people with invisible difficulties would bee so embarrassed and ashamed that they will not comfortable in share or to disclose to others how their difficulties affect them.
The dangerous consequences ahead
If the negative stigma does not get resolves there could be be harmful and dangerous consequences against anyone with invisible difficulties for simply existing.
Would be automatically banned & excluded from certain occupations and certain places. They may not be trusted in professional occupations related to financial and security or roles which directly serves large numbers of the general public. Employers could easily reject a person with invisible difficulties even if they have the right skills, abilities and qualities for a particular opportunities. Other consequences with being banned from certain countries round the world. In addition would be automatically excluded & isolated from certain social environment could be untrusted in loving relationships. This could be mean loneness and hight amount of high mental health and poorer well being. 

A change of approach
A more smarter with a grounded an a more realistic approach is needed to reduce any negative stigma and the have a better. 
We need to demonstrate and to show to everyone that we cannot judge everyone through misperceptions, stereotypes and negative profiling. We need to demonstrate many people with invisible difficulties who do not associate themselves with the negative examples on this page. To show they can be trusted with more people and show they can demonstrate not only the can relate with others but also show compassionate and do look out to others. Also it is important they they are capable to achieving many things positively.

The description “Invisible Difficulties” are used for this initiative which covers independent, intelligent and articulate adults and young people who live with specific difficulties which as hidden and would not be visually obviously at first impression. The examples including memory, on the spot thinking ability, communication, reading, writing & calculation. These example above mainly relates certain people with Autism (at moderate and high-functioning level), ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Click here for more details.

This information is a guidance and some of the information may be appropriate or not appropriate due to your individual circumstances. Therefore we cannot be responsible for any errors occur.
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