Stigmatised obstacles
Due to stereotypes and negative profiling, certain people who might appear slightly different on ability can potential face being unfairly picked on with trivialised verbal insults and physical pranks against them which can lead to more harmful incidents. One of the examples including facing mate hate crime when certain groups of offenders befriend a person with invisible difficulty then gradually get bully them to a level they cause cause harm to that person’s life.
Stigma can cause harmful effects online including Social Media. Bloggers and campaigners with certain invisible difficulties can face a number of problems including having their profiled hacked, finished through to major including including death threats. This is due the of negative stereotypes certain minority of people use this to cause harm individuals and associated conditions who has online blogs, online forums and on social media profiles
During a television documentary focusing with finding love online, a major online dating website would discredit any person with “High neurotic” qualities as undesirable and more likely to be rejected & excluded. The term “High neurotic” can affect a person with invisible difficulty if they display certain reaction especially when thing go wrong against them. The examples including anxiety, shyness, avoiding bad situations and fearing to be not understood.
Because of this the examples many independent people with invisible difficulties would bee so embarrassed and ashamed that they will not comfortable in share or to disclose to others how their difficulties affect them.