Highlighting information, specialised insight & exclusive content to support different events during October.
For Invisible Disabilities Week
An invisible disability should not mean being invisible in society
The importance on moving away from negative attitudes
For Dyslexia Awareness Week
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Blog: Open your mind beyond difficulties
A quick reminder to look beyond perceptions
for ADHD Awareness Month
Blog: ADHD Positive Energy
Seeing ADHD beyond stereotypes
for Dyspraxia Awareness Week
Blog: Time to look beyond perceptions
Looking beyond difficulties
For World Mental Health Day
Blog: Stop the closed mindset
Listening to ground level voices with open minds
for Black History Month
(UK & Europe)
Blog: Change from negative perceptions
Improve how we treat multicultural people with hidden differences
for World Mental Health Day
Blog: Break the parallel approach to mental health
Remove the barriers when hidden differences face mental health & Anxiety
for National Hate Crime
Awareness Week
Blog: Hidden voices of prejudice and hatred
We need to listen to all voices who have experenced prejudice and hatred
for National Hate Crime
Awareness Week
Blog: We must stop encouraging bullying and hatred
Some of choices and peferences can wrongly encourge bullying and hatred
Discover more
Select the links below and visit the information pages below on supporting each awareness events this month. It contains events information, each event current theme, support statements, projects to explore and links to reccomended organisations
3rd - 9th October
10th October
9th - 15th October
16th - 22nd October
1st - 30th October
1st - 30th October