Highlighting information, specialised insight & exclusive content to support different events during the month.
Blog: Beyond just Awareness & Understanding
Looking higher beyond the minimum approach towards an autistic person
Available until 30th April
Stigma Free
Widen our attitides & perspectives towards an autistic person
Available until 30th April
Blog: Change the balance of happiness
Respecting hidden differences persuit of happiness Valuing hidden differences towards happiness without distruptions and obstacles
Presented theme:
Beyond Perceptions
Widen our minds and look beyond how a person are percieved
Blog: Beware of the limits and hurdles
The importance of maintaining sustainability
Blog: Beyond the main point
Looking beyond opportunites and the short term
Be wise, be inspired and make change
The specially theme presented project to support International Women's Day and Women's History Month
Blog: Value Society by Valuing Women
Reminding the wider context that a fair society can only happen if we value women better
Blog: Stop, Think & Change
An advisory blog for men to change attitudes and behavour towards women (including with hidden differences)
Insight Blog: My responsibility & challenges
The project director personal expressions on his responsibility on showing support and the boundaries
International Women's Day,
Women's History Month,
International Day of Happiness,
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
World Autism Acceptance Week
Discover more
Select the links below and visit the information pages below on supporting each awareness events this month. It contains events information, each event current theme, support statements, projects to explore and links to reccomended organisations