Loneliness value is

Home > Diverse Differences > Loneliness Special > Value is 
Special on Loneliness
"Value is" 
This project is an empowering campaign focusing on the positive human aspects of a person with differences with their sense of value respected. The main project contains 13 different elements with examples of the importance of a positive sense of value.

To support against loneliness this page shows examples of this projects elements 

We must not use and stigma excludes people with differences. Especially it those who have good and possibly articulate and have good intention to be considerate to others.
Visit the Inclusion element
Moving away from labels and stigma which enables a person with the to be an equal member of society. In order to make sure a person with differences in access to opportunities which other people take for granted.
Visit the equality element
We must include a person with differences as valuable members of society.

Visit the Diversity element
Well Represented
Importance of a person with differences to be well represented in Society and citizens in society.

Visit the Represented element
The importance of a person with differences to have their expressions and how they feel heard, listen and be takend seriously at face value.

Visit the Expressions element
Discover the Entire project
The online project of "Value is" and contains a total of 13 different elements

This online special is part of diverse differences the special feature which support different awareness events related to hidden differences. Also the features showcases a special version of featured projects and campaigns which empowers differences as well as reminding the importance a smarter sense of value.

Diverse Differences is connected with
The special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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