improvments progress

Watch out for new improvements
Thank you for accessing to the Plus Value Awareness website.

You may have notice some changes on this website, with more content added and making the website more clearer and user friendly.

Summary of improvements

* The home page become simpler and more user friendly.

* Major changes to the navigation bar making the Information clearer with an major enhancements on mobiles. Making it easier and quicker to discover this website for all users on desktops, tablets and on mobiles.

* The new project and features sections makes it easier to discover the different projects and features.

* The online content from Differences & Autism Challenge is now appearing on this website.
Click here for details
(Differences & Autism Challenge now becomes an integrated member of the Plus Value Awareness Family)

* There are some exciting developments and further changes to come.

Whats to come
* A new feature on accessing a new family of services of products from Plus Value Awareness
along with Differences & Autism Challenge

* You may notice some the some minor updates to the Awareness brands soon
to Plus Value Awareness along with Differences & Autism Challenge

* The social media Plus Value Awareness will soon expand to instagram
It which will also feature projects and content by Differences & Autism Challenge

Keep updated on social media including:
Plus Value Awareness on Facebook & Twitter
Differences & Autism Challenge on Facebook

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Notice to editors
The plus value awareness initiative has created by Keith McKenzie in April 2015, based on a family of projects was has been developed over a period of 15 years with Differences & Autism Challange originally focusing on issues affecting people with the autistic spectrum it then expending to other associated conditions due realising more people who don't live with autism have similar experiences & boundaries under the description of invisible difficulties. This initiative does not address the medical aspects and moves away from tables and associated conditions to address and issues or topics. Instead this initiative focuses more of human aspects and ground level life experiences.
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