Festive awareness highlights

Festive Awareness Highlights

A summary of what has been developed in the past twelve months, including brand new projects, blog articles and an update to existing online projects.

Explore the information below

The information project which was upgraded in 2022 focuses on the strengths and positive attributes which a person with hidden differences has.

The Awareness project was originally created in 2015 & then expanded in 2018 with a diverse and focused edition added.

In 2022, the advantage project was enhanced and expanded further by the New Look to cover a variety of information and to widen and diversify examples of the positivity of hidden differences.

Click hetre to visit the Advantage project

Zero Toxic
A brand new project presenting factors, guidance and information against prejudice bullying, discrimination and hatred.

This project is one of the biggest project changes, in seven years against bullying and hatred and was launched during Anti-bullying Week

Click here to visit the Zero Toxic project

Showcase exclusive

For Neurodiversity celebration week an exclusive project was made. Titled "The Power of Neurodiversity" with a summary of possibilities through strengths & attributes.

Some examples of Showcase articles, and blogs during the past 12 months

For International Women's Day, three original insight articles were made. This focus on a fair and sustainable society will depend on how well women are treated in society this does affect hidden differences. With the blog article "
The essential beacons", "Diversity depends on fair treatment". Also, a special blog titled "My Responsibility" with the project director's insight on why he supports International Women's Day

For Neurodiversity Celebration Week, two insight blog was developed, including to prevent how we perceive hidden differences with "
See Neurodiversity beyond perceptions". Also the importance of being respectful across all conditions linked with hidden differences with "Don't Misinterpret Neurodiversity"

For supporting Anti-Bullying week, Give Us A Break campaign and National Anti-Hate Crime Awareness Week a series of insight articles was made.

Focusing on bullying two articles was made included "
Monitor how people are defined" and "So many excuses, no real reason" Also there are blog articles which combine bullying and hate crime including:
Hidden voices of prejudice & hatred" and "How we stop encouraging Bullying & Hatred"

For supporting mental health events in May & October a total of four insight blogs includes "
Mental Health is not an excuse for shaming", "Treat hidden Differences fairly", "Stop the parallel approach to mental health" and "Stop the closed mindset"

For Loneliness awareness week, an insight blog was made to focus on the cause of loneliness, titled "
Think carefully about how we reject & exclude"

For International happiness day, two insight blogs to not take advantage of hidden differences to have happiness titled "
Happiness but not at the expense". Also, the reminder that hidden differences should have the right to pursue happiness. "Happy & fulfilled lives".

You can view further examples by visiting the two plus value awareness blogs on Tumblr

Plus Value Events+ showcase on Tumblr

Plus Value Awareness insight on Tumblr

Other Developments
A number of special developments have been created for the project director.

There were two special Commonwealth-related developments the project director was involved with.

This includes the special community participant campaign to showcase Birmingham after the city hosted the Commonwealth games.

Click here to Birmingham City Council's YouTube channel to view the video

Also, the project director participated in a creative competition

The project director has published a special advisory document for organisations and leaders or latin related classes, events and dancing conventions.

Visit the project director's website to find out more

It was an honour to be featured with two articles for one of the leading awareness campaigners. These are for Anna Kennendy Online including the project director's involvement in a video campaign for Birmingham's legacy after hosting the Commonwealth games. Also supporting Anna's annual campaign against bullying titled "Give Us A Break".
You can view both articles via the Anna Kennendy Online website.

Video campaign article

Supporting Give Us A Break Campaign article

The Project Director would like to thank everyone who has visited the main website, blogs on Tumblr and the social media posts over the past 12 months. A special thanks to Anna Kennendy OBE & her team, the marketing agency Liquid, Birmingham City Council and the salsa community for their support and encouragement.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Visit the Winter Showcase special containing specialised projects, articles and information to support different awareness events. Plus extra features for the festive season


International Day of Persons with Disabilities

World Human Rights Day

Visit Winter Showcase

Available Online until

Monday 2nd January 2023

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