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Evolving forward
with Aware+Vision
Aware+Vision is a new umbrella brand name is launched as a social enterprise proposal to deliver Plus Value Awareness projects to provide potential Services, Products & Social Mission activities.
A new website is launched for business, communities and public services which contain new line up of potential services, products & social mission activities. Extracts on what can be developed will appear on Plus Value Awareness & Differences Originals social media pages on social media.
Beyond Awareness
Aware+ Vision doesn't only features Plus Value Awareness but also focused related projects related to Graphic design, visual art, illustration and Selected Photography.
How will affect this awareness initiative
Plus Value Awareness (including Differences Originals) will continue on this website & social media to provide projects, campaigns and information towards a positive sense of value towards hidden differences.
You will start to gradually notice the Aware+Vision branding at the bottom of every page with linked its website replacing Plus Value Fusion
However, there will be changes to some of the projects on this website. This is designed to maximise the message to society to value anyone with differences. Click here for details.
Later in the year and into 2021, there will some modified alterations with converting Plus Value Awareness as part of unified "one family" unified look with Aware+Vision. Further details when completed.
Find out more by visiting Aware+Vision website
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Discover more by visiting the Aware+Vision website
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