Dyspraxia October Extracts

7th - 13th October 2018
Awareness Extracts
As part of Dyspraxia Awareness week a specially designed extracts of projects and online content from the Plus Value Awareness Initiative. It is designed for everyone to be awareness of different perspectives on Dyspraxia awareness.

These & many more presentation extracts is featured on Social Media throughout October.

These are designed by Keith Mckenzie for Plus Value Awareness featuring Differences & Autism Challenge

Click on the images below to view examples
This developed from the projects:

A summary of positive strengths attibututes on how people with Dyspraxia can be a positive advantage to society

Containing elements for highlighting & to mainitain a good sense of value.

Awareness October

A special feature featuring Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Visit Dyspraxia Awareness week
This is part of the Feature "Awareness Series", a combination of visual art, campaigns and written issues linked with some of the awareness events throughout the year. 

The Awareness Series is connected with
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