An additional range of information created during the current pandemic with the restrictions and health risks of Coronavirus (COVID-19.
General advice for any contacts of hidden differences
* Reach out towards a person with differences regularly on phone calls, Social media messaging, Instant messaging, video calls and video conferencing. Arrange to contact regularly such as twice a week or every weekend for example.
* Show greater interest in what a person with differences with showing empathy & supportive
* Show appreciation when a person with differences reach out to you
* Be careful on how impatient and intolerant you are you could cause psychological stress and anxiety
* Be considerate of what & how you share. Never be excessive and keep what you share to the point.
* Never overload information to a person with differences
Tips for a person with Differences
Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety
Phone call
* If you plan to make phone calls, be selective when you call and not at a time that is inconvenient to them
* Don't stretch yourself to reach out to others as I can backfire with negative responses.
So be selective on who you contact and do not make an effort to anyone who ignores your message to them.
* If you messaging someone keep your messaging short and to the point and in summary. Also not to message excessively and only reply when the other message respond.
* When messaging keep the subject within the conversation subject the same as the other person.
* Invite to mention a different subject
* Never cram different topics on one message unless it is very short and in summary
* Be careful on how you share how you feel to the other person as they may be sensitive or stress about certain things. Also, you could unintended cause the other person upset about something
* If the other person has not responded they might be busy or you could of trigger the other person stress or upset to take responsibility for messaging
Time out & relaxation
* Try to adapt relaxation techniques several times every day from Yoga through to mediation. There are plenty of providers online and on video-sharing platforms such as Youtube
* If you are stress try to have a nap and lie down & close your eyes for about 5 to 10 minutes. This is helpful if you are experiencing stress, anxiety and the effects of tiredness and fatigue.
Active fitness
When you can try to have regular sessions of indoor fitness several times a day
If you have a garden at home and when possible try to do several improvements in your garden like trimming the hedges and cutting the lawn.
* If permitted in your country and if you are comfortable to try to have some walking excessive at least 20 minutes. However, you must avoid the outdoors if you are highly like to face physical bullying, harassment or hate crimes. Instead, focus on indoor exercise.