All of the projects contain additional information with background information, a summary of tips & guides. A more detailed information guides can be developed further for local communities, organisations and business as a service which including education, training and customised solutions & guides.
More projects to arrive soon:
* Value vs Unvalued
This Focused awareness feature is related with attitudes, judgements, and treatment. Along with how this can affect a person with invisible difficulties.
* Minus the stigma
A project to discourage stigma attitudes and assumptions.
* What's value to you?
Highlights subject with the general association with the word value and used that points to convince do not use that against a person of invisible difficulties.
* Be aware
This project is a simple introduction and for the general public and families and communities with to have smarter understanding toward individuals with invisible decrease as people rather than the medical elements.
* Value Achievers
This promotes and celebrate achievers & role models from people with have invisible difficulties. Including achieving professional occupations, entertainment, communities, sport and music among many others.