Awareness Review

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Awareness Review

A major review has been made to this awareness initiative since major changes were made three years ago.

Projects, campaigns & information

Except for the recently created "Valuing hidden Differences" along with projects linked with the features Diverse Differences" and "Differences Originals", most of the existing projects is out becoming outdated (with many have been online for around seven years or longer). Despite these projects have received supportive responses the content does not relate to the changing awareness issues which affect hidden differences. 

Despite some improvements was planned it has been realised that some of the changes need to be expanded at a faster pace.

Offline extras

Despite a lot of content has been made online and on social media, the progress of spreading the word is very restricted without improving appeal. So it was decided back in May to start developing a series of awareness insight documents. 

These documents are designed to cover a variety of topics and factors in detail in comparison with online pages. It enables an open mind and positive possibilities in valuing a person with hidden differences. 

The first document developed is based on the special online feature during the pandemic and beyond. The unity forward document 

Click here to find out more on the Unity Forward insight document

Online specials

Since early 2018 the diverse differences feature presented a variety of online specials for supporting different awareness events all year round. Initially, it has generated appeal and the ability to influence many people. However the existing approach within the months of 2021 has lost appeal as the audience have a higher expectation to adjust to every changing topics & issues. So further changes were needed and it is decided that supporting awareness event is limited to a support statement page with the addition of exclusive projects to supporting events. However, the online specials within specific conditions, topics or diverse parts of society are now axed. The new style exclusive projects for supporting events online will be limited within the diverse differences index, monthly specials as well as Plus Value Awareness home page. Because of new changes, the statement pages for supporting the specific event will be expanded to offer different online links when particular events are active.

Brand identity & presentation

With some changes been made it has decided that the existing brand identity and presentation have to change. The new change is an evolution of many improvements has been many improvements was made in 2016, 2017 and 2019. 

However, it has been made that the overall presentation needs to be much more versatile and adaptable depending on how the information is communicated. 

The changes has been made the existing brand identity was becoming a problem which is against the principles of this awareness initiative. Because of the objectives of this awareness initiative is focusing on the human aspects of hidden differences, the existing identity symbol has become a burden because it's ok with the medical aspects. So a decision was made to change the symbol to a double guiding star symbol which signifies guidance and inspiration of valuing hidden differences. The word mark of the identity is now a consistent bolder use of the identity name to make it much clearer. The new-look will become more flexible and versatile related to projects & campaigns. The other purpose of the changes is to create a unified look between awareness and the umbrella identity Aware+Vision as part of a social enterprise proposal.

Click here for details

The first steps

The first examples of the new changes appeared on the new insight document based on the special online feature unity forward. This document features the new brand identity for Plus Value Awareness.

Further improvements and changes will be developed on a gradual basis.

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