awareness june

Home > Diverse Differences > June Special
June Special
Loneliness Awareness Week
Autistic Pride Day

Please note: 
Both events has now ended but this feature continues online until Tuesday 30th June
The Plus Value Awareness Initiative along with Differences Originals presents a family of different awareness events in June. Supporting Loneliness Awareness Week and Autistic Pride Day.
Click on the links below on the features from this awareness initiative

Awareness Special on 

Loneliness Awareness Week
15th - 21st June


Special on Autism

Autistic Pride Day
18th June


 Awareness June Special Information

This feature is part of diverse differences the special feature which support different awareness events related to hidden differences. Also the features showcases a special version of featured projects and campaigns which empowers differences as well as reminding the importance a smarter sense of value.

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