Highlighting information, specialised insight & exclusive content to support different events during the month.
Explore the links below to the original content supporting awareness events in April
Embrace Dancing
A online special to explore special projects and developments for supporting Autism Dance Day & International Dance Day
Available until 31st May
Distant Goalpost
Addressing how changing society, expectations and perceptive attitudes can affect an person with differences cope and manage
Two sides: Acceptance and no acceptance
How acceptance is not enough to value an autistic person
Additional content developed recently
Stigma Free
Widen our attitides & perspectives towards an autistic person
Blog: Beyond just Awareness & Understanding
Looking higher beyond the minimum approach towards an autistic person
World Autism Acceptance Week (UK)
World Autism Acceptance and Awareness Day
World Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
Autism Dance Day
International Dance Day
Discover more
Select the links below and visit the information pages below on supporting each awareness events this month. It contains events information, each event current theme, support statements, projects to explore and links to reccomended organisations
Coming soon in April
Autism Dance Day & International Dance Day